Dolphin brutally killed in Halda River,Bangladesh

A Gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica) was brutally killed, reportedly by locals within the Halda River.

With an extended deep cut, the critically endangered mammal was recovered from Chayarchar area of Urkirchar Union under Raozan upazila of Chittagong on Friday.

The dolphin weighing 52 kg had a gash from its neck to tail.

Noted researcher and Coordinator of Halda River lab Prof Dr Manzoorul Kibria told the Dhaka Tribune that the way the dolphin was slaughtered was unforeseen.

“We suspect that the dolphin got entangled with a fishnet and later it had been slaughtered to bring its fat out. it's an ominous sign for the conservation of the dolphin within the Halda,” said Prof Kibria.

“After primary examination, the five-feet-two-inches-long dolphin was buried. Twenty-four dolphins have died in Halda River since September 2017 until Friday,” added the researcher.

On March 21, a 6-feet long dolphin with injury marks was found dead at Ajmer Ghat area of Halda River under Raozan upazila in Chittagong.

The dolphin weighing 50 kg presumably died after being hit by the propeller of an engine-run boat.

On December 5 last year, another dead dolphin with injury marks was recovered from Akbaria point of Halda River under Hathazari upazila.

On April 16 last year, a six-month-old dolphin with scars was also found floating at Madunaghat point of the river.

Two sorts of dolphins are found in Bangladesh- Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) and Gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica).

The official status of the river dolphins, locally referred to as Shushuk [Platanista gangetica] is “critically endangered” as per the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species may be a universally recognised index of the world’s endangered animals.

According to Halda River lab , currently the amount of river dolphins won't exceed 1,200 across the world . And among them, some 250 dolphins are found within the Halda river.

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